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“That Sinking Feeling” - Jonah

  • Crescent Heights Baptist + GoodTree Christian Fellowship 1212 - 1 Street NW Calgary, AB T2M 2S3 Canada (map)

Jonah was not happy to tell the Ninevites of The Lord’s pending doom, he knew that God was gracious and compassionate, and may forgive them if they turned from their wicked ways. We look at how the story often focuses on the giant fish, but there is more than a splash to this crazy story.

Feel free to read Jonah 1-4 to familiarize yourself with the passage before the event.

The day (note this event is on a Saturday) will consist of:

  1. Story Time Large Group Session

  2. Small Group Discussion

  3. Cooking Fish & Chips, cutting veggies, and dessert.

  4. Group Photo / Announcements

  5. Driving down to Baker House (Youth leaders will drive the youth down)

  6. Serving food

  7. Returning to 1212 1 Street NW for parent pick-up at 1:30 PM

Everyone in Grades 7-12 is welcome! Invite your friends for the fun!

Contact for any questions.

Earlier Event: March 15
“The Lord of The Lions” - Daniel
Later Event: March 29
Good Friday