Each week we look forward to exploring a different story from the Bible and discussing its relevance to our lives today. Activities for events are based on the main lesson to create a memorable experience for the youth.
Why? To help youth connect with one another and with the Holy Scriptures. We want the youth to know how much they are loved by Jesus, who died for them.
His story is part of our story.
More about the current series from the book…
"The people you meet in Eyewitness aren’t make-believe. Like you, they breathed and bled, had good days and bad. And their everyday lives were upended by encounters with God.
Some of those encounters were simple conversations. Others rattled the earth and shifted history. But each encounter has this in common: For those who meet God, nothing is ever again the same. True then…and true today. You see, God isn’t finished connecting with his creation.
He’s hungry for an encounter with you, too—and for a friendship that stretches out through eternity.
Because you, too, are an eyewitness to the continuing story of God’s love. Especially his love for you."