GROOT (Good-Root)
Who: Couples and young families
When: Wednesday evenings
Where: Location varies
Who to Contact: Tim + Sela
Who: All
When: Saturdays 2-4 p.m.
Who to contact: Lindsay Lo + JJ
Who: Singles and young families
When: Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Where: 1212 1St NW
Who to Contact: Teagan + Sean
Women’s group
When: Thursday 10 a.m.
Who to contact: Leona + Jewel
men’s group
When: Weekly Thursday Evenings
Where: Varies between the church and individuals homes
Who to contact: Jason Hong
Young family Group 1
When: 1st Saturday of the month, 4 p.m.
Who to contact: Jeremy + Yoorim Park
Young family Group 2
When: First 3 Fridays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Contact: Joe + Gilian Kim
When: Every other Saturday 4 p.m.
Contact: Nick + Hoyee Graham