GoodFruit Ministry Programming

Every good tree bears good fruit. Our goal in children’s ministry is for children to foster relationships between each other, in their families and most importantly with God. We want kids to feel and know that they are loved by God.

What to Expect

Children in Grade 6 and younger are dismissed to Sunday School with their leaders following the first worship song in the main service.

On occasion, we have family services where the kids remain in the sanctuary for the duration of the service. There is a special moment for children and they are given activity packs at the welcome table. Don’t worry, if your children can’t sit still, this family service is geared toward families and it is a joy to have everyone together. Our goal in having family services is to show kids what it means to worship together as a family unit and that they are just as much a part of the church as anyone else.

There are also other events throughout the year such as picnics, outdoor events, holiday celebrations, summer camps, PD day camps, and more!

This year, we’re following the Hyfi student curriculum. Each month kids will experience trustworthy bible content focused around a theme. Through this curriculum, we strive to teach kids 12 biblical truths about who God is and who He says we are. Our Sunday School classes are divided by age into fruit groups! See below for more information on fruit groups!

Who are the Leaders?

Our children’s ministry pastor, Natalie Wong, and coordinator, Noelle Graftaas, are delightful individuals who love the kids and The Lord.

Got comments or questions? They can be reached at

There is also a team of wonderful volunteers who all have their police clearances up-to-date and annual training on curriculum, safety procedures and child protection policy. Our volunteers are amazing and we couldn’t run Children’s Ministry without them! If you are interested in helping out, please reach out to Pastor Natalie.


Sign-in occurs at the front desk table when you enter the church.

All children join their families in worship service for call to worship and song before they are dismissed to their sunday school classes.

Blueberries (Age 1-3) head to the upstairs nursery for music, lessons, activity and snack!

Kiwis, Plums, Peaches and Watermelons all go downstairs to the fellowship hall to sing together, pray and tithe. After this the kids will be split into their own fruit group classes for lessons and activities.

  • Kiwis (Age 4-5): Downstairs Auxillary Room

  • Plums (Gr. 1-2): Downstairs Fellowship Hall

  • Peaches (Gr. 3-4): Office Level Sunday School Room

  • Watermelons (Gr. 5-6): Downstairs Boardroom

Student pick up will happen in their individual fruit classes and must be done by their parent or guardian unless previously discussed with the sunday school teachers.


Get Connected

We would love for your kids to come join us as part of GoodFruit ministry! Our check-in system is a online format through church center. Please register your child at the front desk when you arrive to church! We look forward to meeting you.

Email: We send out monthly emails with the happenings of GoodFruit Ministry. If you are interested in signing up for emails it is a part of the registration or reach out to our main office to be added.

Whatsapp: We have a whatsapp chat for parents to get connected. Small reminders and notes get sent out on whatsapp periodically. For security purposes, we will add you to the whatsapp chat (if you’re interested) once your family has attended our church in person.